Preventative dentistry focuses on preventing tooth decay and gum infections. Our services have two elements: oral hygiene and dental exams. Regular preventative dentistry appointments are a very important part of your dental health care.
Professional cleaning removes built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth to keep them safe from decay. This buildup can’t be removed by regular brushing and flossing. Your hygienist uses special tools to clean and polish your teeth and may follow up the cleaning with a fluoride treatment to strengthen your enamel.
Regular dental exams let us check your teeth for early signs of decay. We can also spot injuries, gum infections, and any other problems. This lets us begin treatment as early as possible to keep your mouth healthy.
We also screen your mouth and throat for signs of oral cancer, a potentially deadly cancer that affects thousands of Canadians each year. Early detection is key to successful treatment so it’s important to be screened every year.
Keep your teeth healthy! Call us today to make an appointment.
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